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Reflet FPU

Tools to handle floating-point numbers in synthesizable Verilog.

This repository contains basic blocs to so simple floating points operations, an arithmetic unit combining those blocs to do more complex operations (WIP), and a complete processor manipulating floating points numbers (TODO).

The various modules in this repository are designed to work with IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. The supported formats are half-precision, single-precision, and double-precision. All modules have a parameter named float_size that should be set to 16, 32, or 64 depending on the desired number type.

Basic blocs

The modules doing simple floating points operation are in the floating_points_operations folder. The available operations are the following:


This module takes as its input int_in a signed integer and converts it as a floating-point number float_out. The width of the integer int_in is defined by the parameter int_size.

reflet_float_to int

This module is the opposite of reflet float to int. It takes as input the floating-point number float_in and converts it to a signed integer int_out. The size of the integer is controlled by the parameter int_size.


This module can either add or subtract two floating-point numbers. The operation is chosen by two control signals, enable_add and enable_sub. If enable_sub is set to one, the output sum will contain the subtraction of in1 by in2. If enable_add is set to on and enable_sub is set to 0, the output sum will contain the sum of in1 and in2. If neither enable_add nor enable_sub are set to 1, the output sum will be set to 0.


This module is used to compare two floating-point numbers in1 and in2. The result of the comparison is written on the port out. The comparison made depends on the input order.


This module is used to change the sign of a floating-point number. The effect on the sign is controlled by the input order.


The 4 previously described modules only contain combinatory logic. But, the fast inverse square root module and the multiplication module need to perform integer multiplication. The integer multiplication might or might not use sequential logic. You need to adapt the module so that it fit your design. You also need to adapt the value of the macro multilication_time so that it is equal to the number of clock cycles needed to perform the integer multiplication.


This module can multiply two floating-point numbers together. When enable is set to one, the output mult contains the product of the inputs in1 and in2. When the integer multiplication needs at least a clock cycle to complete, the output ready sets itself to one when the product is calculated.


This module computes the fast inverse square root of a floating-point number. If the input is a negative number, the output will be the opposite of the fast inverse square root of the opposite of the input.

Arithmetic unit

The arithmetic unit combines the basic operation to perform various computations. This module is at the heart of the Reflet FPU but it could be used on its own in a design.

The AU (arithmetic unit) takes tree floating-point numbers as input (flt_in1, flt_in2, and flt_in3) and transforms them into the output flt_out. The AU also got a additional input ctrl_flag that is used as the order input for the reflet_float_set_sign module and the reflet_float_comp module. If some operation needs a clock cycle or more to be performed the ready output is set to 0 until the output is stable and usable. The AU is also capable of doing conversion between floating-point numbers and integers. To do so, the input int_out and the output int_out. Lastly, if the integer multiplier needs sequential logic, there's is a clock input. To shut down the AU, set the enable output to 0 and set it to 1 to run it.


The operation made by the AU is chosen by the opcode input.

Here is the list of available operations:

Mnemonic Opcode Effect
NOP 6'h00 No effects
ADD 6'h01 Set the output to flt_in1 + flt_in2
SUB 6'h02 Set the output to flt_in1 - flt_in 2
MUL 6'h03 Set the output to flt_in1 * flt_in 2
FISQRT 6'h04 Set the output to 1/sqrt(flt_in1)
SET_SIGN 6'h05 Set the output to the output of the set_sign module. The input of this module is flt_in1 and its order is ctrl_flag.
CMP 6'h06 Put flt_in1 and flt_in3 into the comparaison module. The order is set by ctrl_flag and the result will be on cmp_flag.
F_T_I 6'h07 Set the int_out to the conversion of flt_in1.
I_T_F 6'h08 Set the output to the conversion of int_in.
INV 6'h09 Set the output to 1/flt_in1.
DIV 6'h0A Set the output to flt_in1/flt_in2.
TRIMULT 6'h0B Set the output to flt_in1 * flt_in2 * flt_in3.
CUBE 6'h0C Set the output to flt_in1 ^ 3.
TESSERACT 6'h0D Set the output to flt_in1 ^ 4.
MULTADD 6'h0E Set the output to flt_in1 * flt_in2 + flt_in3.

The INV and DIV operations are using the fast inverse square root module. Thus, the result might be slightly inaccurate sometimes.

Floating point CPU

The Reflet FPU is made of the floating point arithmetic unit along with a special control unit and 7 floating points registers. It is able to execute programs by only manipulating floating points numbers.

Only manipulating floating point numbers means that indexing memory is a bit hard. Jumps are made only to addreses written in the program. Data memory is presented as two stacks. Only absolutely minimal IOs are possible (giving and receiving ping, giving and receiving integers).

Because of those limitations, the Reflet FPU is not meant to be used as a standalone processor, but as a coprocessor to help the computations of a more general purpose CPU.

Control unit

The control unit executes instructions that are not arithmetic computations. It takes a single floating point number as input flt_in and can output a floating point number. It also features a way to load the software, a simple ping system to communicates with the main processor, and the cmp_flag.

Here is the list of availale instructions:

Mnemonic Opcode Effect
PUSH 6'h00 Push flt_in into the main stack.
POP 6'h01 Pop the top of the main stack and use that as output.
NOTIF 6'h02 Send a ping to the main processor.
WAIT_PING 6'h03 Wait for a ping from the main processor.
MOV 6'h04 Set the output to flt_in.
SET 6'h05 Set the output to the number written in ROM just after this instruction.
JMP 6'h06 Jump to the address written just after this instruction. If ctrl_flag is 0, it always happen, if it is to 1, it depends on the cmp_flag.
CALL 6'h07 Does as JMP but push the current address in the main stack.
RET 6'h08 Pops the address from the main stack and jump to it.
TO_ALT 6'h09 Pop the top of the main stack and push it to the alternate stack.
TO_MAIN 6'h0A Pop the top of the alternate stack and push it to the main stack.


Whatever the size of the floating point number is, the instructions for a Reflet FPU are always on 16 bits. They have the following format:

Position Measing
15 0 for AU instruction, 1 for CU instructions.
9 - 14 Opcode.
6 - 8 Target register and/or 3rd input register.
3 - 5 Control flag or 2nd input register.
0 - 2 1st input register.


The memory is indexed in bytes and as the instructions are on 2 bytes. Thus, the endianess is important. The format is little endian.


The instructions must be aligned on 16 bits blocks. But the instructions that need to load extra data from RAM (SET, JMP, and JIF) have some extra contrains. The instruction itself does not need special alignment but the following address or number must be alligned to the size of the floating point numbers. Thus, some padding might need to be put after the instruction. The content of this padding does not matters.

Writing programs

To be specified.

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